
The assessment is based on classroom observation. Daily work of every child is recorded and the observation is helps in assessing the child’s level of progress. It allows teachers to plan for the achievement of the next milestones by focusing on the area of learning and assigning a learning goal or assessment.

At Ambassador Kindergarten observation is the heart of practice. Observing the child’s activities, interactions, interests at school and at home, teachers are able to gauge children’s needs, interests, skills and prior knowledge. Children are involved in discussing their activities and how they feel about them from the beginning of their time in the setting. Teachers, through discussion and observation, make detailed assessments of each child’s progress, keeping careful records that build a comprehensive picture over the course of the year. Many of these records include sample work and photographs, which are shared with parents.

To understand a child’s strengths and weaknesses, academic advancement and overall development, the teachers identify the developmental stage and work at strengthening the educational journey.

Teachers in collaboration with the academic team design ways to strengthen learning by providing a rich stimulating environment that appeals to the child’s overall talents and interests. Individual Development Plan give children opportunities to play and learn happily in ways that support, strengthen and deepen their current learning and development.

• Playing and exploring: Children are given opportunities to investigate and make sense of the world around them through structured play. They initiate their own activities and engage in those set for them by the practitioners. They are encouraged to take risks, seeking challenge in what they do.
• Active Learning: Children maintain focus, staying on task and persevering when they are facing challenges such as learning skills that require more than one attempt. They value the process of what they are doing, as well as taking pride in whatever they produce.
• Creating and Thinking Critically: Children are encouraged to have and develop their own ideas. They make decisions, link their thoughts and plans, develop their thinking (practically and/or verbally), make predictions and test out their ideas.

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